
What is Pics4Schools?

Pics4schools is an alternative to already established pupil portrait providers. Our system takes away all the admin carried out by the school. No collection of order sheets. No collection of payment. And parents get their images quicker and cheaper than from the competition. Happy parents, happy school!

The system.

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The order sheets.

After the photographs are taken order sheets are delivered to school in class bundles.

Simply hand out to the pupils to take home.

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All parents/guardians need do is visit www.pics4schools.com and enter their unique security code.



Order from the comprehensive selection of prints, mounts, frames, gifts and digital products. Order within the set time period for free delivery back to school or pay the small delivery fee and have the order delivered direct and faster.

Orders delivered back to school are bundled into class groups. Simply hand to the pupil to take home.

Works on mobile devices.

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Enter Code.



With mobile devices and tablets fewer people have a ‘desktop’ computer these days. Not a problem with Pics4Schools everything displays and works beautifully on a mobile device.

